How communities interact within and among each other as well as with their environment simply fascinates me. I am particularly interested in the links connecting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. During my PhD, I therefore aim to address some of the open questions around these links. My main goal is to assess the influence of the riparian vegetation on the freshwater biodiversity, ecosystem functions and aquatic-terrestrial linkages. With field experiments and literature-based methods, I want to assess how land-cover changes in the watershed and riparian zone influence freshwater detrital food webs.
All publications are open access. Data and code can be found on Dryad, Zenodo, and GitHub.

Here you find the most recent publications. All papers are open access, however if you would need a PDF, just let me know.
For a more extensive list visit: WebOfScience, Orcid, GoogleScholar
latest News

In this Swiss-wide project we studied how nutrients scale with biodiversity of arthropods on land and water.

In this project we studied how biological drivers influence multiple ecosystem functions in headwater streams in Switzerland and Brazil.

Here we investigated how riparian forests influence dietary imbalances of three main shredder taxa.

In this study we assessed how community composition and leaf litter decomposition rates depend on riparian forests.
Master thesis

Here we investigated how fish community and morphology influence zooplankton.

In this field study we assessed how predatory fish influence zooplankton pigmentation.
International collaborations

Here we studied biodiversity patterns along the Vjosa river network.

In this project we examined abundance and distribution patterns of a highly endangered mayfly species.
PhD Thesis
During my PhD research, I examined how riparian forests influence the connections between and terrestrial environments, as well as effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functions within stream detrital food webs. My goal was to better understand the ecology of these special ecosystems and the implications of changes in their surrounding terrestrial environments. I combined various ecological and evolutionary theories to contextualise my findings.

Cross-ecosystem flows and ecosystem functions in the riverine zone

The freshwater detrital food web and stages within the decomposition process

Aquatic-terrestrial ecotones as biodiversity hotspots

aquatic-terrestrial continuum in environmental factors, ecosystem functions and biodiversity
Meta-ecosystem theory
A holistic framework for understanding and integrating spatial flows between different ecosystems (Gounand et al. 2018, Harvey et al. 2023)
River continuum concept
Description of the gradients of abiotic and biotic changes along the length of a river (Vannote et al. 1980)
Stoichiometric theory
The balance of multiple chemical elements in ecological interactions and processes, particularly carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) (Sterner and Elser 2002)
Examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Tilman et al. 2014)
Ecotone Theory
Ecotone theory predicts that at the interface between two ecosystems, biodiversity is higher than in each ecosystem individually (Risser 1995, Kark 2013)